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Massage offer in the Stubai Valley

Let us give you a massage!

Our in-house masseur and his extensive range of massages leave nothing to be desired!

The heat and the different grips release muscle tension. This has an effect on the receptors. The stimuli, such as stretching, reduce the tension in the muscle and it relaxes. The improved blood circulation supplies the body with more oxygen. This also relaxes the muscles. The lymph flow and metabolism are also stimulated. Do something good for yourself and your body. Professional massages have a positive effect. They lead to less pain, a reduction in depressive moods or anxiety, better sleep and a stronger immune system.

You are welcome to make an appointment for your massage when you book your room!

Classic partial massage

25 min.€ 45,00
50 min.€ 65,00

Full body massage

50 min.€ 70,00
80 min.€ 100,00

Tailor-made and unique like you! Choose: back, legs, shoulders, arms, stomach, head or the whole body. Whether vigorous and intensive or gentle and harmonizing – our therapists are happy to realize your personal wishes. Simply book your time and discuss the desired focus of each treatment individually with our masseur.

Sports massage

25 min.€ 50,00
50 min.€ 70,00

Sports massage is a supplement to classic massage. It uses the techniques of classic massage as well as other supplementary techniques and is tailored to the needs of the athlete and the specific problems associated with sport. Based on the assumption that active athletes are more robust than older people who may be frail, the massage is performed more vigorously and the body is prepared and supplied with blood for the upcoming physical exertion. Cramps that occur during sport can be treated with the stretching techniques that are part of sports massage. After sport, the massage is regenerative and relaxing.

Hot Stone

50 min.€ 75,00
80 min.€ 100,00

The hot stone or la stone massage is designed to release tension and energy blockages and reduce stress – pure wellness, especially in winter! The contrast of heat and cold triggers the piezoelectric effect, which stimulates vascular activity and the entire cardiovascular system. This type of massage is also particularly suitable for recovering after intensive training. In combination with aromatherapy, essential oils are often massaged into the body, which can contribute to an additional feeling of well-being. Warm stone massage can also bring good results for chronic pain.

Foot reflex

25 min.€ 45,00

The sole of the foot is a mirror image of our body. This stimulating massage has a holistic effect on the metabolism and organs via the reflex zones of the feet and ankles. Your self-healing powers are supported and blockages are released.

Cellulite massage

30 min.€ 50,00

This massage uses manual manipulation to activate the skin on the affected areas of the body. This not only improves blood circulation, but also helps to flush toxins out of the body.
This is done, for example, using cupping glasses.
Cupping has been known for many generations to alleviate various complaints and has been used internationally as a healing method in a wide variety of cultures. Cupping relieves muscle tension, stimulates lymphatic drainage and increases blood circulation.

Anti-stress head massage

25 min.€ 45,00

Anti-stress massages can relax tense muscles, stimulate the release of hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin and neuropeptides and activate the lymph. They get the energy flowing and remove blockages. The anti-stress massage has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which controls the body every second.

Your needs

Please inform us of any operations, health complaints and/or pregnancy before your treatment. Competent advice is an integral part of your treatment.


Appointments can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the agreed treatment at the latest. We ask for your understanding that unused appointments will automatically be charged to your hotel bill.

We look forward to spoiling you!