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stornobedingungen alpensporthotel mutterberg
Tob of Stubai - Urlaub am Gletscher

Cancellation conditions

For private guests

The following conditions apply in the event of cancelation/change: Cancellations will only be accepted in writing.

From the day of booking up to 6 weeks before arrival, a processing fee of € 20.00 will be charged, 100% of the hotel costs will be waived.
6 weeks before the day of arrival, you can cancel or change up to a maximum of 5 rooms free of charge. Everything else is considered as a cancellation
6 weeks to 7 days before arrival: Cancellation fee 70% of the booked travel price.
7 days to 48 hours before arrival: Cancellation fee 90% of the booked travel price.
within 48 hours before arrival: Cancellation fee 100% of the booked travel price.
Groups of 26 persons or more are subject to a separate cancellation agreement.

Empty bed fee:

In the event of late arrival or early departure, the daily rate, minus breakfast and dinner (€ 20,-/person), will be charged in the booked category. This also applies in the event of a change/partial cancellation within the 6-week cancellation period. No refunds will be made for late arrivals or early departures for package bookings. An empty bed fee will also be charged if the specified number of persons / full-paying guests per room is not reached. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance for each trip to cover you in the event of illness or accident before arrival or during your stay.

For groups of 26 people, with 6 rooms and more

Our cancellation conditions:
Up to 3 months before the agreed date of arrival at the latest, we accept all cancellations, in writing only, without payment of a cancellation fee. Up to 3 months before arrival, a processing fee of € 20.00 will be charged.

from 3 to 1 month before the arrival date 40 % of the total package price;
from 4 to 1 week before the arrival date 70 % of the total package price;
in the last week up to 24 hours before the arrival date 100 % of the total package price.
In the event of late arrival or early arrival or if guests fail to arrive, we charge 100 % of the room price offered.


Empty bed fee:

In the event of late arrival or early departure, the daily rate, minus breakfast and dinner (€ 20,-/person), will be charged in the booked category. This also applies in the event of a change/partial cancellation within the 6-week cancellation period. No refunds will be made for late arrivals or early departures for package bookings. An empty bed fee will also be charged if the specified number of persons / full-paying guests per room is not reached. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance for each trip to cover you in the event of illness or accident before arrival or during your stay.